
Machine Designing Event Using Chemical Reaction

Design a vehicle powered by a chemical reaction which is capable of completing the given task.

  • Two trials will be given and the best of the two will be considered.
  • No explosive, hazardous or harmful chemicals can be used for the chemical reaction. (Coke and Mentos reaction not allowed.)
  • Complete measures of safety must be taken care of.
  • The final decision lies in the hands of Core Committee of FootPrints X8.
  • The dimensions of the car must be maximum of (50x40x30) cm.
  • Any SELFMADE mechanism involving chemical reactions will be accepted.
  • Maximum time of 5 minutes will be given for a single attempt.
  • Use of commercial batteries will not be allowed.
  • The car must be an autonomous vehicle and cannot be controlled remotely. Pushing to start the vehicle or using a mechanical starting device is not allowed.
  • Range of the load given for the first round will be 40 to 50 grams.
  • Space of 5 cm x 5 cm should be left for the aforementioned load.
  • Innovativeness of the design
  • Stability of the design
  • Economy of the vehicle
  • Mechanism involved
Maximum 3
     Harsh Patel
  • +91 87587 84380
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