Inside The Mind

Inside the mind of Master Procrastinator

At the end of every semester, we all start digging our tunnel in order to escape from our biggest nightmare known as exams.

30 days from exam, most of us start working on plans to tackle all the course and try to distribute work evenly to each day ahead. Yet somehow we have to replan our strategy 20 days before as the TV Series recommended by a friend, suddenly becomes way more interesting.

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10 days before exams, we were again ready with a revised plan. But wait, we discovered Youtube videos became highly intriguing and also found new love for Astronomy.

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2 days before exams, we had reach a point where a video of Justin Beiber's mother interview is also appetizing.

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A night before exam, this is when our rationality regains its power and hits us with an unstoppable force.

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Do you ever wonder why this happens to us?

Let me take you to a tour inside the mind of master procrastinator.

Every normal person has one rational driver which participates in almost all decisions, but inside the head of procrastinator there is monkey along with the rational driver called the instant gratification monkey. The rational driver tries to adjust our actions according to the situation present around him, while the monkey immediately refuses and tricks us into reading the Wikipedia page of Virat Kohli. Then monkey starts shifting gears and presses random keys which leads us to see what's inside the fridge every 10 mins. The instant gratification monkey knows only two words and those are EASY and FUN. Monkey has no accounts for past neither for future, he only knows the present moment. More often this leads to a conflict between the monkey and our rational driver and we know that it is the monkey who always wins. This leads the procrastinator to where he starts feeling guilt, anxiety, self-hatered and all other happy procrastinator feelings. Every procrastinator wishes to take charge over this monkey and there is a guardian angel who has the ability to do so. This guardian Angel is known as the PANIC Monster. Panic monster is the only one to whom the monkey would listen. As a procrastinator reaches nearer to a deadline, this monster becomes active and drives the monkey away to his tree, protecting the rational driver. Hence the procrastinator who once spent his time zooming his own house on Google earth, starts working hard throughout for next few days and nights.

The night before exams is when the panic monster becomes the most powerful and equilibrium between life and work is regained. Sometimes this monkey may leads us to landscapes where damage is permanent or almost impossible to recover causing frustration. Monkey can be cause of many failures and it is utmost necessary to tame him. Procrastination is like an ocean. Never go deep without the right circumstances.

This may not be true for non-procrastinators but this is true for many around them and thank you to all procrastinator who read this instead of doing their work in hand.

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