What makes you, you?

What makes you, you?

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive, Who is "youer" than you.

The whole concept of 'you' is very vague. Your parents can't love you before you were born, because they don't know you. They just love the idea of having you. Similarly nobody can never know 'you', they can just know your body, thoughts which you share with them and your actions. All these are just ideas, not 'you'. By all this information they get about you, they'd form an idea of 'you' in their minds and they name that idea as 'you', just like a 'phone', 'television' orĀ 'laptop'. This is why so many people are emotionally attached to fictional characters, because we don't like/hate a person, we just like/hate the idea of a person. Since soaps/movies clearly bring those ideas of a character to us, we can emotionally bond with them as we bond with non-fictional characters

This is simply my idea, there is no proof of it, and I don't completely believe it either. But this is the best explanation I could come up with.

According to me, there is no such thing as 'you'. You are nothing but an object with thinking capacity and some memory. Our mind is like a small, a very small and a rough structure of a Quantum Computer. And that is the reason we have the capability to take decisions. We compare hundreds of things and then take a decision. While doing all this, we don't feel that we are comparing such large number of things, but we actually do. If your entire memory is erased and replaced with mine at this instant, then you wouldn't even exist anymore and that doesn't create "I am in your body" either. To avoid confusion between 'you' and 'your body with my mind', name the later as 'X'. Now, 'X' may have my mind and may have experienced what ever I've experienced till now. But 'X' is not me. The 'X' is a separate self now, simply because 'X' can think of something that I can't hear. And 'X' will be much different from me after some time, since 'X' is in your body and that changes how mind works.

So, what is 'you' is a bunch of ideas. Those ideas makes you 'you'. We all are different in the sense that it's not possible for any two people that their brain works similarly. So, we can say that with the exact same ideas anybody can be 'you'.What makes you, you? It's those ideas in you. No two objects in universe can have the exact same ideas. That makes you unique.

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